Use DeTer Rat Bio-Repellent gel to enhance existing rats management program and rats prevention strategies.
Rats are stressed out due to hot peppers as irritant agent. As such they are likely to leave the nesting area and be caught by another trap device.

Photo shows Rat contacted with DeTer Bio-Repellent on its head. This rat became stressed out and would eventually trap by glue board.

Stack of rats easily trapped by glue board. These rats became stressed out after contacted with DeTer Bio-Repellent picked up from mobile tray placed 3 feet away prior to being captured.

Rat captured by glue board placed next to DeTer Bio-Repellent board (Green plastic board in the background)

These 10 rats had contacted with DeTer Bio-Repellent gel. Active agent, hot pepper stressed them out and they ended up being caught and killed by staffs of this building.
Rats Management Programs
Use DeTer to augment an existing rats management program such as utilizing glue boards with food bait to reduce rats population.

Preparing glue boards with fresh food baits. These glue boards would be placed next to DeTer Bio-Repellent treated areas to trap rats that became stressed out after contacted with its active hot pepper agent.
Use as described above to repel rats and to keep them moving enhancing the likelihood they will leave or be caught.
Use as directed to prevent entrance into the structure.
Rats Prevention Strategies
1. Exterior Potential Entry Point
Use DeTer around the exterior at any potential entry point. A bead of product around the exterior perimeter between the siding and the foundation can effectively prevent any rats from entering the structure.
Apply DeTer on and around all roof vents, rain gutters at ends and center, downspout 1 ft. below rain gutter.
A bead of DeTer carefully inserted between the siding and the foundation, will prevent nearly all pest entry.
Keep in mind that porous concrete will absorb the product and the concrete will need to be sealed with a layer of clear silicone prior to any foundation application.
Apply DeTer to any potential external access point.

Applying beads of DeTer Bio-Repellent on aluminum window frames to prevent rats from entering into the premise.
2. Kitchen Area
Use DeTer under refrigerators. It may require a flat tray or some other device that will allow DeTer to be applied and slid underneath.
You can also attach an extension tube to the gun in order to apply the product further toward the back, where it is inaccessible.

Apply DeTer on plastic mobile tray with food attractant as bait. Place tray in area frequent by rat. Rat contacted with DeTer will transfer repellent to stress out other rats in the nesting area.
Apply DeTer on frequent runway along the pipes, under kitchen stove, sinks and cabinets.

Apply DeTer Bio-Repellent along the edge of chiller room and place glue board with food bait to trap rats.
DeTer should not be placed directly on the floor. If the area is inaccessible, DeTour may be placed on a removable substrate such as sheet metal, plastic tray and duct tape.
In heavy infestations apply more DeTer on trays that can be removed once the rats are eliminated, provided there are no children or pets in the home.
3. Food Storage Area
Pay particular attention to areas where pet food or human foods are stored.
Apply DeTer along interior perimeter walls, behind or underneath cabinets, especially those containing food.
Apply DeTer to any holes or points of entry into home.
Apply DeTer to both sides of storage doors and man doors to contact rats immediately.

Bio-Repellent gel on mobile plastic tray combining with glue board can be placed 3 feet apart from each other underneath food racks.
4. Attic Space
Attics contain a number of issues the applicator needs to consider. Most attics contain a lot of untreated wood which can absorb DeTer.
Make sure there are barriers to prevent penetration of the product into the wood. Duct or vinyl tapes work well.
Vertical application of DeTer to wooden surface using vinyl tape to prevent absorption into untreated wood.
Apply DeTer Rat Bio-Repellent gel where visible rub marks appear, such as plumbing lines, electrical cable, and phone lines.
Apply around possible entry points to all wall voids.
DeTer should be used with other trapping methods such as glue boards and snap traps.

Bio-Repellent board with food bait should be placed 3 feet apart from glue board with bait as a good combination to capture rat in the ceiling
Other traps should be placed within 3 to 4 feet of DeTer application.
Apply DeTer to conduit and any place rodents may be using for access or runways.

Smear mark indicates rat frequent runway and entry point. Apply DeTer along the entry and exit hole and along on the run way.
Click buy now, if the above Green Bio-repellent product matches your current pest problem.